Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gray-blue Ocean and its waves


"Emerald City" Seattle, a region too amazing to be forgotten, keeps coming back to my dreams. Night after night, I walk on robust sands, glare at the quiet gray-blue ocean, and listen to her shy moans.



One should wear the brightest Bikini and go to beaches in south. Men and women with alluring curves, kids with loud laughter running around, sunglasses and beach tents everywhere... Beach in south is a beach of people, merry, noisy, but full of light;

One should hold his/herself tight, let hair loose in the air, be alone, and walk step by step on beaches in north. Few figures with blurry shades, lovers whispering to each other, long jackets and broken shells...Beach in north is a beach of thinkers. Robust rocks under gray-blue sky, even the sun is not willing to come out to disturb. Beach in north is a blend of nature and peace, as if everything is under shadow, and nothing really matters. Only when you sit down and hear the ocean's song long enough, will she tell you the stories of the moon and the stars. Beach in north is a beach full of myths; only the most patient and quiet will be granted the privilege of sharing them.

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