"Emerald City" Seattle, a region too amazing to be forgotten, keeps coming back to my dreams. Night after night, I walk on robust sands, glare at the quiet gray-blue ocean, and listen to her shy moans.
One should wear the brightest Bikini and go to beaches in south. Men and women with alluring curves, kids with loud laughter running around, sunglasses and beach tents everywhere... Beach in south is a beach of people, merry, noisy, but full of light;
One should hold his/herself tight, let hair loose in the air, be alone, and walk step by step on beaches in north. Few figures with blurry shades, lovers whispering to each other, long jackets and broken shells...Beach in north is a beach of thinkers. Robust rocks under gray-blue sky, even the sun is not willing to come out to disturb. Beach in north is a blend of nature and peace, as if everything is under shadow, and nothing really matters. Only when you sit down and hear the ocean's song long enough, will she tell you the stories of the moon and the stars. Beach in north is a beach full of myths; only the most patient and quiet will be granted the privilege of sharing them.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Red Spider Lilies 曼珠沙华

Red spider lilies are the flowers of the Dead's Land --- or say hell, without the evil sense. In Asian myths, there is a long path from the Land of the Alive and the Land of the Dead. When people die, their souls go through this path to the beneath world, and along that path there grow beautiful, beautiful Red Spider Lilies. Therefore Red Spider Lilies are the flowers of the death.

Imagine a whole field of these mysterious wild flowers beside you on your way to die. Kinda creepy, but exotic.

Look at her. She is indeed elegant and graceful!

梦境 序曲
2008年12月1日夜至12月2日晨,我恍然做了一个梦。醒来时,竟分不清自己究竟是江铮铮、金美铃、还是Zheng Jiang Leitter。浑噩至今,梦中细节人物场景对白仍清晰可闻、处手可及。故,决心落笔,完成这个梦境。
Thursday, December 4, 2008
梦境 片断一
那天,他照旧卧在床头,眺望远处的夕阳。“zz,”他突然用旧名唤我,让我愣了一会儿,“我记得还刚认识你那一会儿,有一次见到你从公司门口台阶往下走, 一身窄身红衣,高昂着头,神情一贯得清冷,手里提着个黑色PRADA,就那样往台阶下走下去,好像那阶梯没有个尽头。你当时那种气势,那股劲头,让看到你 的人都以为世界唯你独尊,膜拜你为女王。可是,你心里当时在想什么?”
我眼前渐渐浮现出那个晕晕的黄昏,我一个人,从台阶上往下,一级一级走着,仿佛那台阶没有尽头。我当时在想什么呢?阿,是了,是悲伤,渴望被爱的悲伤。我 往下那么走着,却全心在呐喊,渴望有一个人,好好疼爱我,将我搂在怀中,狠狠地疼爱。满世界在我眼中都是路人,没有一个人,竟然没有一个人,会在那台阶的 尽头等着我。。。我当时满心都是那样苍凉的念头。
“你当时其实感受着悲伤吧?”他继续道,“我看着你那样子,一步步在夕阳余韵中往下走,背影充满了寂寞,就算张扬的红衣与高昂的气势仍旧不能掩盖你对我散 发出的对温暖的渴望。”他停顿了一下,自顾自笑了,说道,“那时,我就恨不能奔下那台阶去拥抱你。。。。那时,我想我对你开始动了心。。。铮铮,那时就开 始了。”
New Blog
Google has always been a very reliable website to stock my stuff. Gmail, Picasa, now blogs. I haven't been having a blog for a while, and would like to pick it back up. Here I will probably write down pebble things in my light life and try to laugh them off...Anyway, welcome to my new home!
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